#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use lib qw(lib); use constant true => 1; use constant false => 0; use Colorize::Common qw(:defaults $write_to_tmpfile); use File::Temp qw(tempdir tmpnam); use IPC::Open3 qw(open3); use Symbol qw(gensym); use Test::More; my $tests = 29; my $run_program_fail = sub { my ($program, $args, $message) = @_; my @args = split /\s+/, $args; my $err = gensym; my $pid = open3(gensym, gensym, $err, $program, @args); waitpid($pid, 0); my $output = do { local $/; <$err> }; return ($? >> 8 == 1 && $output =~ /$message/) ? true : false; }; plan tests => $tests; SKIP: { my $program = tmpnam(); skip 'compiling failed (failure exit)', $tests unless system("$compiler -DTEST -o $program $source") == 0; my $file = $write_to_tmpfile->('abc'); my $dir = tempdir(CLEANUP => true); my @set = ( [ '--attr=:', 'must be provided a string' ], [ '--attr=bold:underscore', 'must have strings separated by ,' ], [ '--attr=b0ld', 'attribute \'b0ld\' is not valid' ], [ '--attr=b0ld,underscore', 'attribute \'b0ld\' is not valid' ], # handle comma [ '--attr=bold,bold', 'has attribute \'bold\' twice or more' ], [ '--exclude-random=random', 'must be provided a plain color' ], [ '--clean --clean-all', 'mutually exclusive' ], [ '--clean file1 file2', 'more than one file' ], [ '--clean-all file1 file2', 'more than one file' ], [ '- file', 'hyphen cannot be used as color string' ], [ '-', 'hyphen must be preceded by color string' ], [ "$file file", 'cannot be used as color string' ], [ "$file", 'must be preceded by color string' ], [ "$dir", 'is not a valid file type' ], [ '/black', 'foreground color missing' ], [ 'white/', 'background color missing' ], [ 'white/black/yellow', 'one color pair allowed only' ], [ 'y3llow', 'cannot be made of non-alphabetic characters' ], [ 'yEllow', 'cannot be in mixed lower/upper case' ], [ 'None', 'cannot be bold' ], [ 'white/Black', 'cannot be bold' ], [ 'random/none', 'cannot be combined with' ], [ 'random/default', 'cannot be combined with' ], [ 'none/random', 'cannot be combined with' ], [ 'default/random', 'cannot be combined with' ], [ 'white/none --rainbow-fg', 'cannot be used with --rainbow-fg' ], [ 'white/default --rainbow-fg', 'cannot be used with --rainbow-fg' ], [ 'none/white --rainbow-fg', 'cannot be used with --rainbow-fg' ], [ 'default/white --rainbow-fg', 'cannot be used with --rainbow-fg' ], ); foreach my $set (@set) { ok($run_program_fail->($program, $set->[0], $set->[1]), $set->[1]); } unlink $program; }