#!/usr/bin/perl # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # Author: Steven Schubiger # Last modified: Tue Jul 15 21:08:39 CEST 2014 use strict; use warnings; use lib qw(lib); use constant true => 1; use constant false => 0; use DateTime (); use DBI (); use Encode qw(encode); use File::Basename (); use File::Spec (); use FindBin qw($Bin); use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_auto_abbrev no_ignore_case); use Hook::Output::File (); use LUGS::Events::Parser (); use Mail::Sendmail qw(sendmail); use Text::Wrap::Smart::XS qw(fuzzy_wrap); use WWW::Mechanize (); my $VERSION = '0.44'; #----------------------- # Start of configuration #----------------------- my $Config = { events_url => 'http://www.lugs.ch/lugs/termine/termine.txt', form_url => 'http://lists.lugs.ch/reminder.cgi', mail_from => 'reminder@lugs.ch', dbase_name => '', dbase_user => '', dbase_pass => '', }; #--------------------- # End of configuration #--------------------- my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql(RaiseError=>1):$Config->{dbase_name}", $Config->{dbase_user}, $Config->{dbase_pass}); my $file = File::Basename::basename($Config->{events_url}); my ($test, $run) = (false, false); { getopts(\$test, \$run); my $hook = Hook::Output::File->redirect( stdout => File::Spec->catfile($Bin, 'stdout.out'), stderr => File::Spec->catfile($Bin, 'stderr.out'), ); fetch_and_write_events(); process_events(); } sub getopts { my ($test, $run) = @_; GetOptions(test => $test, run => $run) or exit; if (not $$test || $$run) { die "$0: neither --test nor --run specified, exiting\n"; } elsif ($$test && $$run) { die "$0: both --test and --run specified, exiting\n"; } return; # --test or --run specified } sub fetch_and_write_events { my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new; my $http = $mech->get($Config->{events_url}); open(my $fh, '>', $file) or die "Cannot open $file for writing: $!\n"; print {$fh} $http->content; close($fh); } sub init { my ($parser) = @_; $$parser = LUGS::Events::Parser->new($file, { filter_html => true, tag_handlers => { 'a href' => [ { rewrite => '$TEXT - <$HREF>', fields => [ qw(responsible) ], }, { rewrite => '$TEXT - $HREF', fields => [ qw(location more) ], } ], 'br' => [ { rewrite => '', fields => [ qw(more) ], } ], }, strip_text => [ 'mailto:' ], }); unlink $file; } sub process_events { my $parser; init(\$parser); while (my $event = $parser->next_event) { my %event = ( year => $event->get_event_year, month => $event->get_event_month, day => $event->get_event_day, color => $event->get_event_color, ); my %sth; $sth{subscribers} = $dbh->prepare('SELECT mail, mode, notify FROM subscribers'); $sth{subscribers}->execute; while (my $subscriber = $sth{subscribers}->fetchrow_hashref) { next unless $subscriber->{mode} == 2; $sth{subscriptions} = $dbh->prepare('SELECT * FROM subscriptions WHERE mail = ?'); $sth{subscriptions}->execute($subscriber->{mail}); my $subscriptions = $sth{subscriptions}->fetchrow_hashref; next unless $subscriptions->{$event{color}}; my $notify = DateTime->now(time_zone => 'Europe/Zurich'); $subscriber->{notify} ||= 0; $notify->add(days => $subscriber->{notify}); if ($event{year} == $notify->year && $event{month} == $notify->month && $event{day} == $notify->day ) { send_mail($event, $subscriber->{mail}); } } } } sub send_mail { my ($event, $mail_subscriber) = @_; my $year = $event->get_event_year; my $month = $event->get_event_month; my $simple_day = $event->get_event_simple_day; my $wday = $event->get_event_weekday; my $time = $event->get_event_time; my $title = $event->get_event_title; my $color = $event->get_event_color; my $location = $event->get_event_location; my $responsible = $event->get_event_responsible; my $more = $event->get_event_more || ''; wrap_text(\$more); chomp $more; wrap_text(\$location); my $i; my %month_names = map { sprintf('%02d', ++$i) => $_ } qw(Januar Februar Maerz April Mai Juni Juli August September Oktober November Dezember); my $month_name = $month_names{$month}; my $message = (<{form_url} ${\info_string()} MSG if ($run) { sendmail( From => $Config->{mail_from}, To => $mail_subscriber, Subject => encode('MIME-Q', "LUGS Reminder - $title"), Message => $message, ) or die "Cannot send mail: $Mail::Sendmail::error"; } elsif ($test) { printf "[%s] <$mail_subscriber> ($color)\n", scalar localtime; } } sub wrap_text { my ($text) = @_; return unless length $$text; my @chunks = fuzzy_wrap($$text, 70); my $wrapped; foreach my $chunk (@chunks) { $wrapped .= ' ' x (defined $wrapped ? 8 : 0); $wrapped .= "$chunk\n"; } chomp $wrapped; $$text = $wrapped; } sub info_string { my $script = File::Basename::basename($0); my $modified = localtime((stat($0))[9]); $modified =~ s/(?<=\b) (?:\d{2}\:?){3} (?=\b)//x; $modified =~ s/\s+/ /g; my $info = <